FSPC is a utility crypto-currency of FS PRO AI global community which aim is to use the combination of Artificial Trading and blockchain Technology with the massive ecosystem advanced feathers such as…..

* WEb3.0

* Gaming Platform.

* NFT Platform.

* Metaverse.

* AI Trading

Let's Start

Key Features of FSPC Token.

Secure Decentralize System
FSPCToken easily transferable and can store into decentralize apps.
Business Solution Token
This Token can easily use as a gateway of your business payment process.
Get Personal Benefit
FSPC Token can Stake in your personal account and get staking benefit.

Token Information.

ICO Sale Starts 1st FEB 2024 12:00 GMT
ICO sale ends 8th July,2024.
Total Token Supply 20000000
Total ICO sales 5000000
Token ICO Value 0.01$ to 0.03$
Token Smart contact Address.

Road Map

Discover our roadmap to discover how precisely we are making that happen. Our market strategy will prioritize the introduction of blockchain technology to utilities based on their transformation.

Concept Development

FSPC Token Develop Business Concept with Analyze Crypto Market and Make a Decision to Launch a New Generation Business Token.

September 2023
November 2023
Website and Whitepaper.

*FSPC Token Website Design.
* Version-01 Whitepaper Published.

ICO Sales Begins

FSPC Token Initial Coin Offering starts Feb-02,2024 and Ended April-30,2024.

February -01 To April 31,2024
July 2024
DEX And CEX Listing

Airdrop and social Media Promotion. d Social Media Promotion.
DEX And CEX Listing Confirmation. Coinmarket cap Listing.

Gaming Portal Launch.

Every members in our ecosystem will enjoy our gaming portal with FSPC Token and participate in Play To Earn.

AI Trading Signal Platform Launch.

his platform is so amazing that every traders in world will enjoy the AI Trading Signal service with the FSPC Token. This will be fully automated trading without monitoring the market.

FSPC Crypto Exchange Launch

We will launch ,The first time in the world a public crypto exchange and our Holders can participate to join with the ownership of FSPC Crypto Exchange.

NFT Platform and Web3.0 wallet

FSPC Token will launch NFT Base Business Virtual Real Estate Portal and NFT Marketplace

Facilities with FSPC

We work to develop attractive featuers for furure facilities of FSPC Community

Automated Development

The automation of developments in the price, payment, staking, or any other field will benefit our members' businesses and enable them expand swiftly..

  • Join by referring others, then use automatic code checking to verify your email.
  • Purchase Token at Real-Time Price and Instantaneously Add Funding Asset via API.
  • You can always stake your token to earn money.
  • Take your Token or Balance Right Away.
Minimal Transfer Charges

Withdraw FSPC tokens on the P2P system with minimal fees and no transfer costs. Exchange your token instantly and for free. Use this token to facilitate low-cost business payments.

Trading & Best Practice.

Using Absolete Tools, we created a comprehensive AI solution that considered all industry best practices for cryptocurrency trading.

Safe Token & Adaptability.

The two main development tenets of FSPCToken are "keep it simple" and "make it transparent.” & Our platform has been purposely kept basic.


We gives a complete solution of crypto in one platform buy-sell, trade or staking with ICO.

Just one Platform

The FSPC Platform gathered all cryptocurrency-related services, including swapping or storing tokens, auto payment processes, trading, and staking and profit.

Stay secure and safe.

Buy and sell FSPC Tokens using an API and a safe, secure payment method. Quickly add funding assets and purchase tokens.

Decentralize Payment Mechanisms

Offer tokens using a peer-to-peer system, instantly trade them on the FSPC platform, or move tokens between DeApps to be traded on the open market.

Blockchain Based Marketplace

FSPC Trading Package gives you Standard Product with Token and It's establish as a Blockchain Based Marketplace.

Whitepaper documentation

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

Marketers create whitepapers to educate their audience about a particular issue, or explain and promote a particular methodology.

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Contact Us

We're happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with an estimate. Just send us a message in the form below

  • +23 0123 4567

  • fspctoken@gmail.com